
Showing posts from 2012

Checking PicasaWeb Storage Limit

This is the url that takes you directly to the storage limit page of your PicasaWeb settings. Very handy with the quota issues we are seeing across Blogger Help Forum this week. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Reference For Picasa WebAlbum Clarification

From Phil (Picasa TC) This is my understanding: - the limit per Blogger album used to be 500 a long time ago - the limit per Blogger album is now 1,000 and the same as regular Picasaweb albums The reality of how it works today. - Let's say you currently have 999 photos in the album. If you are now uploading two photos then only one photo will be placed in the existing album but you will get an error as the new album will not be created for the second photo. How do I know? I tested it tonight by copying hundreds of photosfrom other blog albums into my test blog. It seems it cannot load to the existing album and also create a new album in the same posting. This is important to know. - Now assuming you have exactly 1,000 photos in the existing Blogger album and you upload one photo (maybe more too) the uploaded photo will be placed in a new Blogger album. That works as expected. I just tested that too and saw the new album in picasaweb.. Now on Mobile posting. - some time ago I ...

Side by Side Images Option

Just thought this might be helpful to know. Images have to be small enough to fit side by side or then sizing comes into play. If you want to put the images side by side, simply put them all under the same div tag Remove all break tags. Space was added to div tag. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

FAQ: Google Accounts Help Page and Recovery Form Updated November 2012

Directions and link that gets you to the Google Accounts Help page with a link to the recovery form. Note that you have to follow the steps here...if you try to go straight to the url at the bottom, it will just make you start at the beginning so you might as well follow the directions. Start here as directed: Enter the email associated with the account in the password recovery form. That brings you to a CAPTCHA page. Enter the CAPTCHA. That brings you to the Password help page. On that page are two "Choose how to get back into your account" options with radio buttons: • Answer my security question • Get a password reset link at my recovery email Mishka Official Blog*Star Testing Blogger

Reference For Reporting

Reference URL for removing content from Google based on legal infringements. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Feedburner Redirect Help Center Article

Just for reference for me when directing users to redirect their feed if they are using Feedburner and want to use the email subscription option. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Java Exploit

Please see my post over on my main blog concerning the Java exploit that was NOT fixed in the October 16th release from Oracle as expected. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

External Links On Pages Gadget Workaround

From another TC on Blogger, posted here for my own reference. _______________________________________ If you're in the dashboard, go to Pages. Create your links out like you normally would. After hitting save you'll see that it seems to be replacing what you've submitted with "javascript;;" Now go to your site. Click on the wrench/screwdriver icon for editing your Pages gadget. It opens up the normal re-arrange window. Now hit save and the window closes. Refresh your blog window. If you mouse over your pages, you'll see that external link work now. _______________________________________ Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Ghostery and Do Not Track Plus Comparison

Found this terrific article today that was written this August that breaks down the two biggest non-tracking add-ons out there. After reading it, I have decided to go with DNT Plus but that is just my own opinion and we'll see how it goes. I know that a lot of users this last couple of weeks have been having issues with DNT Plus and Ghostery causing them to lose sight of their navbars on their blogs as well as on other people's blogs and I am sure this is due to the addition by Blogger of the +1 button on the navbar. I am hoping to tweek DNT Plus enough that I can get the navbar to show without having to expose myself to any other tracking issues. Anyhow, I thought I would share the link to this article here so I could keep track of it and also provide it for other readers that would like to know how these non-tracking add-ons work and which would be best for them from a side by side comparison. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Adsense Troubleshooter URL

Just wanted to mark this one for myself so I could find it later if I needed it. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

FAQ: Do I Have To Use Gmail With Blogger? Updated 9/11/12

This is a question that comes up almost everyday on the Blogger Help Forum...or I guess I should say the results of the confusion regarding this question shows up all the time. I can't even count how many times I have had to explain to users that use of Gmail is not a requirement for Blogger or any other Google product (other than Gmail). Basically, if you are already a Google account holder (on a different email from Gmail), you can use that account with Blogger and not have to bother with Gmail. If you are signing up with Blogger for the first time, it will take you to a Google account creation page and on that page, it will force you to create a Gmail account but you can add your own email address (non-Gmail) to the account as an alternate, and then immediately cancel the Gmail account after you have everything set up the way you want. I just did this myself for a new blog I created. I was forced to create a Gmail account when clicking on the Blogger invite, and then was able to...

FAQ: Image Information From Picasa

This is a small write up from a TC for Picasa that explains some of the icons we see from Picasa so I can use it for reference. Case 1: The exclamation mark means the photo has been deleted (404 error). Typical scenario is the user deleting the Blogger album while in Google+ or visiting Picasaweb and decides to save space thinking the Blogger album is duplicate. Here is a sample of what it looks like: Case2: The circle and bar means you don't have access to view the photo (403 error). This is typically an indication that the visibility setting was changed and thus access to the photo is denied. Case 3: White box with red x on top means the image is blocked by the browser. This is typically caused by the user doing a right-click to hide a photo and ending up blocking a...

DNS Changer Virus Check-Up

Many of you probably saw this come out via the news today. I did my due diligence and researched as much as I could to verify that this was NOT a hoax before passing it on. It is posted on the FBI's site , as well as Norton's and most of the news syndicates. The title of this post links to the USA Today article that was the most comprehensive of those I found. This virus caused major problems last year but some of the damage was avoided because of servers that were put up to protect those that had been infected. Well, those servers are coming down this summer, so now is the time for you to get your Windows based system checked to make sure you are not infected. A resolution can be found, you just need to know before July when finding that resolution via the Internet might not be possible for those infected. This page on the FBI's site lists several websites you can use (based on your location, pick the closest one), so that you can check your Windows based system. If you ...

Conditional Tag for Home Page Only

Just wanted to note this for reference. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Basic HTML for Removing Sidebar on Page

Remove any double quotations marks. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Basic HTML for Image Table

Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Image5 Image6 Image7 Image8 Image9 Image10 Image11 Image12 Remove all double quotation marks. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Page Rank Tool For Google

Just wanted to keep track of this URL so I could use it. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

Testing Image Linkage

Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger

FAQ: Guide For Setting Up Custom Domain

This is the link on the Help Center that gives you the steps to set up a custom domain. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger FAQs For GooglePlus

FAQ: Blogger Country Specific Redirects

This is the help article on Blogger's Help Center explaining this new change for those that are interested and for my own reference. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger FAQs For GooglePlus

FAQ: Help Articles for New User Interface

This URL gets you to the help pages that explain some of the new features of the User Interface on Blogger. A lot of users dislike the new UI, and there are things that still need to be fixed on it. I highly recommend users take advantage of the feedback link and give Blogger their feedback so we can have the best product out there. Mishka Official Blog*Star/Blogger TC Testing Blogger FAQs For GooglePlus