This thread should be started by the owner of the blog marked as spam and will only apply to that original poster. If you are another user and have this problem with your blog, you need to start your own thread so that we can send in the review individually. Spam Appeal Guidelines: Given the fact that automated spam detection is not yet a perfect science, the Blogger Team is happy to investigate any reports of false positive spam reviews, posted here in the forum. That being said, before you request an appeal, it's worth describing a few examples of what Blogger regularly removes, as part of its zero tolerance policy to abusive / inappropriate content: - Affiliate marketing. - Content created wth scripts and programs, rather than by hand. - Content scraped from other sources. - Copyright Infringement (using photos of people without their permission) - Content or links referencing GPT, PTC, PTS, 'Make money from home', 'Make money fast', or other referral-based activ...