Meta Tag Example

This is the generic version of the meta tags I have in my blogs for reference.

Put these tags just below the opening tag of the head section and take out the space between the < and meta and the / and >

Testing Blogger


Thank you so much for posting this! Your explaination and tags were so simple and I was able to redo mine so they are much clearer.

Thank you again!

Peace, Light and Take Care,
Caffiend Frog said…
Thanks! I just gave your suggestions a whirl. :) I have yet another programmer helping programmer out blog and figured it'd be hard to help out other programmers if you can't find my darn blog.
revny said…
thanx for the info ^___^, help me to learn more...
Hi, I am quite new to blogging and your advice was very helpful. Keep up the good work. Thanks!!
CJoon said…
Hi mishka., I just wanna ask if this still works. thank you :)
Thanks for your sharing~ as my web script knowledge is nearly equal to 0, can u tell me more how to add this mega tag in my blog that created under

Damian Green said…
Thanks-followed your advice/links from Help Forum

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